Power Of Email Newsletter

Newsletters are more than great marketing tools. In fact, more and more companies are using it to boost their brands.

Keep in mind that having a strong brand is vital to your business’ success because is already a form of marketing.

Read on to find out the other benefits of a newsletter, besides marketing.

Keeps Brand in Mind

Companies would want their customers to remember them. Social media may help you spread  your message, but a newsletter is better because goes out to every target audience who signed up.

When they see your newsletter once a week, your brand remains on their minds.

By the time they’re looking for a type of product you’re offering, your brand is the first thing that comes to their mind.

Reaches Customers in a Cost-Effective Way

Newsletters have a high ROI with a rate of 4300 percent . Although it can be expensive, you can’t underestimate the ROI it offers.

Take advantage of this cost-effective method to reach consumers who wish to know more about your brand or products. Newsletters also encourage targeted messages, which appeal to your specific customers.

As you offer accurate information to your audience, your brand becomes reliable.

Build Trust

Customers want to do business with someone they trust and never to a perfect stranger. Unfortunately, with digital marketing, it’s difficult to build trust.

Your newsletter, however,  makes your brand a reliable source. There’s no need to send marketing messages. Rather, deliver them stories with a soft sell at the end of the letter.

Apart from giving you a higher open rate, a newsletter helps your band build credibility before your customers even buy from your company.

Get The Word Out Easily

Branding requires you to spread your message. If only a few people know about your business, it’s difficult to build a brand.

However, if you send out a newsletter, even to 10 people, these people would share it with their friends, thereby giving you a chain reaction of individuals who wish to know your brand.

More and more people are building email accounts. By 2019, we can  expect that number to increase by one billion.

To take advantage of this benefit, make sure that your newsletter is easy-to-share. If the newsletter is a useful tutorial or offers discount for your products, consumers are more likely to share it with their friends in just a few clicks.

Update Consumers

If you wish your customers to make your brand their new favorite, make sure to keep them updated. A newsletter is about staying in touch with your clients.

Keep in mind that consumers consider a brand to be more of a friend than a business if it remains in contact with them.

However, when updating your customers, make sure that you keep your marketing strategy to a minimum. You can send out information about your upcoming event, for example.

Ensure that your newsletter is personal and doesn’t tackle a lot of marketing.

Send Message to a Receptive Audience

The newsletter allows your message to reach a receptive audience. It’s a vital benefit that social media can’t offer.

When people sign up for your newsletter, your message reaches them because it lands in their inbox and not in their spam folder. You’re not pushing your brand to people who don’t want your products or services.

Instead, you’re establishing a relationship with individuals who wish to know your business. And that’s the most important part of marketing or building a brand.

Because they signed up for your newsletter, it’s an indication that they want to visit your blog regularly. So, when they open your newsletter, they’re more likely to click on your links and visit your site, thereby, giving you targeted traffic.

Encourage Interaction with Members

As mentioned earlier, a newsletter isn’t just for promoting your company or products, but it’s also about driving traffic and getting feedback.

When you send a newsletter, you’re announcing a new service or milestone. You can ask them to give you a rating on a particular product or service you have. From here, you get honest feedback from your readers.

Why Not Start Your Own Newsletter?

These benefits prove that a newsletter is indeed a vital tool for marketing and branding. Thus, if you don’t have one yet, now is the ideal time for you to create your own newsletter.

Take advantage of it to build your brand while you market your products and services to a targeted audience. Offer them a mixture of marketing and beneficial information.

With a newsletter, you can keep your customers updated on what’s going in your company and your latest products. Those who signed up would be the first individuals to know your discounts or offers. As a result, it encourages them to visit your site more often.

About the Author:

Catrin Cooper is a blogger and freelance writer at Wiz Essays company. She’s always ready to cover topics related to marketing, technologies and personal development.